# Changelog Last updated: **February 15, 2016** #### Version 1.5.1 ##### Analyze 3D ##### * Added **5 GHz** support (not all hardware support it, so that band section may be empty on the graph) * Added **sorting** networks by name (SSID) or by signal level * Added option to **hide SSID** - especially useful on small screens * Added support for **dragging the grid** with networks in "Modern" and "Classic" 2D modes - useful when zoomed on small screens * Added **smooth animation** during: * switching between 3D / "Modern" / "Classic" modes * appearance of new network, * disappearance of out of range networks * rearrangement of current networks * Now networks will be **accumulated** between scans and **disappear individually** after some time of being out of range * Removed sliders in header designated to rotate/tilt/zoom - you could always use mouse/mouse wheel or finger to drag the screen or pinch and zoom * Removed scan delay slider - auto scan is now always "On" in "Analyze 3D" section ##### Monitor ##### * Fixed wrong colors issue after switching between dark and light themes ##### Settings ##### * Switching between **dark** and **light** themes is now **instant** (no need to restart the app) #### Version 1.5.0 * added new experimental feature - **Analyze 3D** * fixed sort order for groups of networks when grouped by channels * fixed sometimes disappeared monitoring graphs #### Version 1.4.3 * bug fix #### Version 1.4.2 * bug fix #### Version 1.4.1 * added **multiple Wi-Fi adapters** support * improved networks loading performance * bug fix #### Version 1.4.0 * added brand new **Monitor** feature * fixed "Network Adapters discovery" issue on Windows 10 Mobile build 10581 #### Version 1.3.1 * added **Light theme** #### Version 1.3.0 * added **Windows 10 Mobile support** back with build 10512 * added **Auto scan** mode (could be turned ON from Settings) * added check box **Auto reconnect** when connecting to network * added **Support** menu item * changed background operation tracking UI * start scanning after app launch * now detecting supported 802.11xx protocol * minor animation tweaks * minor bug fix #### Version 1.2.0 * added localization - **Russian** * added **Settings** page * added **vendor name** in network details, **grouping** and **sorting** * added switch between channel # and frequency * improved overall application performance #### Version 1.1.0 * added base **scanning** functionality (without settings) --------- #### [< back to home](https://wifi3d.app)